Red Barons Update
Game Schedule - I've posted our game schedule under Important Links - "Game Schedule - Fall 2013" on the right hand side of this blog. Please be aware, this schedule is still subject to change. They'll still be making tweaks for the first week or two.
Snack Schedule - We'll be getting the snack schedule out this week. Any allergies we need to be aware of? Anyone want to volunteer to bring the snack/drink this Saturday?
Last weeks practice - We had a great practice on Thursday. I had one of my buddies, who coaches High School and Premier Soccer, join us to help for a day and to provide input. The boys had to work hard but it was a great practice! Kudos to the boys for stepping up and working hard, while still having a great time out there! We have a great group and this is going to be such a fun year!
Pictures & Videos - I'd like to ask everyone to take pictures and maybe some videos of the girls, throughout the season, and I'll post them on our blog. We might also have a private group on Facebook where we can post them.
Practice this week - We're only practicing on Thursday this week. Next week we'll start practicing on Wednesdays and Thursdays. So...this Thursday at 5pm at Danielson Field.
Thanks everyone,
Ben Yung