Thursday, April 26, 2012

Red Barons Update

Welcome to our new CW Red Barons blog. I will be posting announcements, updates, important links and photos to this blog and it will become a main source of cummunication for our team. Please take a few minutes to explore and poke around. Most importantly, take a look at the "Important Links" section, where you'll find our game schedule, field locations, our snack schedule and other links that are of importance.

Before your first visit is complete, please click on either the "Red Baron Followers" or "Follow by Email" tab, on the hand right side of the blog, and sign up to ensure you get any new updates or posts. Please also shoot me an email or make a comment on this post to let me know you're your setup as a follower. I want to make sure everyone is receiving the updates.

I apologize for the delay in getting this blog setup. I meant to get it up and running a lot sooner.  I think I took on a little too much, with my busy schedule, and was a little overwhelmed at first, but I think I've got things better under control now. I appreciate your patience and I should be more on top of things from here on out. A special thanks to Matt for helping me out and filling the gaps! I've also had great support from all of you parents. I really appreciate it and I'm sure the boys do too! We're all having a blast so far!

My hope is that everyone will participate and help this blog to grow. Please send me items to post which can include but are not limited to pictures of our games & practices , announcements, achievements that your Son may want to announce, etc., and I will do my best to get them on the blog. Please also share the blog address ( with your close friends & relatives, the kid's grandparents, etc.. They will enjoy looking at pictures of the boys and hearing of their progress and achievements. We also might get them to join us for a game or two.

Let's have fun!

Ben Yung